2020 Director’s Fees Remuneration Report is now available!

The Market Information team is pleased to announce the publication of the 2020 Director’s Fees Remuneration Report.

This report covers the results of a survey of current trends and practices relating to the payment of directors’ fees within New Zealand private and public organisations. This is the twenty-eighth Directors’ Fees Survey conducted by Strategic Pay Limited. The 2020 report draws on detailed remuneration data for 2,533 directorships representing 401 organisations.

Some insights found in the report include:

  • Chairs have a median expected effort of 150 hours per annum
  • Directors have a median expected effort of 98 hours per annum
  • 49% of boards review fees annually
  • 96% of boards have an audit committee
  • The typical board consists of 1 chair and 5 nonexecutive directors
  • 10 is the average number of board meetings per year
  • The majority of boards (67%) felt they should increase focus on strategic planning
  • The remuneration committee meet an average of 3 times per year and has an average of 3 members

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