The 2023 Directors’ Fees Remuneration Report is now available!

We’re pleased to announce the publication of the 2023 Directors’ Fees Remuneration Report.

This report covers the results of a survey of current trends and practices relating to the payment of directors’ fees within New Zealand private and public organisations. This is the 31st Directors’ Fees Survey conducted by Strategic Pay Limited. The 2023 report draws on detailed remuneration data for 2,522 directorships representing 400 organisations.

Some insights found in the report include:

  • Chairs of private sector publicly listed NZX companies are paid 71% more (at the median) than those of unlisted private sector organisations.
  • Directors of private sector publicly listed companies are paid 78% more (at the median) than those of unlisted private sector organisations.
  • 30% of boards stated their workload had increased over the last 12 months.
  • Female representation has slightly increased in 2023, with women making up 40% of Directors and 25% of Chairs (up from 38% and 24% in 2022)
  • Female board members are most prevalent in central government (50%) and education (49%).

Click here to learn more.

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