MindTheGap Public Pay Gap Registry Launch

Strategic Pay is proud to partner with MindTheGap.nza campaign which encourages New Zealand businesses to identify their gender and ethnicity pay gaps and start publicly reporting them. 

On International Women’s Day this year (8 March) MindTheGap will release a Registry of larger New Zealand employers to show which of the companies on the list are publicly reporting their gender and/or ethnicity pay gaps on their company website or in their Annual Report (see the list here).

There is wide spread media interest in the release of the Registry. As a business, we encourage you to publish your aggregate company pay gap number(s) on your website by March 1. This will mean the Registry can reflect your commitment to know your pay gaps and to work on closing them. 

You can help to make pay gaps a thing of the past by:

1) Encouraging companies you are involved with to report their pay gaps publicly (on their website or in their annual report).  If they publish their number/s by 1 March, we will be able to promote their leadership as part of the Registry launch on March 8.  If they or you need any support or wish to register a business you’re associated with, please fill in the form here and we can connect you to expertise: https://www.mindthegap.nz/registry

2) Asking companies with which you have influence (for example as a customer, consultant or investor) if they have published their aggregate company pay gaps for gender, Māori and Pasifika to their company website or Annual Report. We know from international experience this kind of transparency can provide a competitive advantage in attracting talent and investment, both timely benefits on the road ahead.

3) Supporting and actively participating in the campaign. Together we can help to ensure 2022 is the year when Aotearoa NZ joins the many other modern countries to use public pay gap reporting as a tool for better business performance and social outcomes.

You can follow the campaign on Linkedin or Instragram

Thank you for your leadership.

Nga mihi nui,

The team at MindTheGap.nz

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