International Women’s Day 2021

Today on International Women’s Day, let’s take a moment to celebrate our women leaders, acknowledging the contribution they make to their organisations, our society and New Zealand. Let us also celebrate those organisations which have embraced change, who value diversity, treat all staff equitably, pay fairly and provide equality of opportunity.

While NZ has managed the brunt of COVID-19, the last 12 months have been hard on some employee groups, more so than others.  While you may be thinking this is not the right time to embark on a diversity and inclusion project, when there has been so much change over the last 12 months, we believe using all the talent available to your organisation can only help you thrive in the long term. Ensuring your own organisation has a clear vision and strategy, with values that permeate and strengthen everything you do, will provide a road map for constructive change and encourage a positive employee experience. As the brilliant writer Octavia Butler wrote, ”Everything you touch you change, everything you change, changes you”.  None of us can afford to be afraid of change, Octavia was right, change is life, in fact it is the only constant.  Let us take the theme of the 2021 International Women’s Day and “Choose to Challenge”, making changes that are right and fair, so that by the next International Women’s Day, we are further along the journey.

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