Case Study: Briscoe Group

Strategic Pay were proud to work with the Briscoe Group to support the creation of a fair and robust remuneration framework which ensures they can attract, reward, develop and retain the best people.

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Case Study: Briscoe Group 2


A number of years ago, Briscoe Group introduced a new remuneration structure and framework under the guidance of Strategic Pay. Strategic Pay’s training programmes were used to ensure the tools and processes were successfully incorporated into Briscoe Group’s people practices providing the Group with a robust and credible framework. A number of the Human Resources team were trained in the use of the remuneration system and approach, and remuneration practices in general. Since that time, Strategic Pay has continued to partner with Briscoes in the provision of ongoing professional development for its Human Resources team as new team members are employed and in order to keep established team members up to date in the methodologies used. It also assists in maintaining the integrity of the remuneration framework.


As a result of this, Briscoes has an HR team who are familiar with the tools, processes and the broader framework of remunerations. The HR team can provide knowledgeable and professional support to managers around remuneration decision making. The company can be confident it has a suitable framework in place, their internal advisors are up to date in the latest thinking and methodology in all things remuneration and that there is a capable and committed partner in Strategic Pay where circumstances warrant independent professional assessment and advice.

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