Covid-19 Burnout

As New Zealand progressed through the different levels and eventual lockdown period, we’ve seen a rise in professionals experiencing burnouts. With the increased frequency of zoom meetings and new ways of working, more than seven in 10 professionals are suffering from burnouts as a result of the global pandemic. This can be attributed to the blurring of lines between work and life, as our home spaces become both our personal and work environments. The added factor of decreased revenue amongst New Zealand organisations can also cause employees to experience job security concerns. 

Burnout is a reality that has plagued the workplace for years. However, with the added factor of a global pandemic, the number of professionals that experience this is increasing.

Despite the numerous downfalls we’ve experienced due to this pandemic, there are various ways we can use it to our advantage.

As Winston Churchill once said, “you never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before”.

But how do we do this?

There are a few ways listed below that can help you make use of this crisis:

  • Utilise virtual platforms to build new and existing connections with colleagues in other locations.
  • Communicate. If your workload is unmanageable, don’t be afraid to discuss this with your manager and team. 
  • Maintain your office routine when working from home. Take regular breaks and ensure you do log off at the end of the day.
  • Use your usual commute time for activities that will increase your wellbeing.
  • Invest in yourself. Sign up for online training classes or courses to learn and master new skills.

 So, despite the various disadvantages, this pandemic has caused, we can still use it to our advantage and come out of this crisis stronger than before.

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