Case Study: Council of Regional Organisations of the Pacific (CROP)

Strategic Pay were proud to work with the Council of Regional Organisations of the Pacific (CROP) to establish a common band structure for a range of regional organisations and implement a new performance development (appraisal) system.

Download a copy of the case study HERE>

Council of Regional Organisations of the Pacific (CROP)-518
Case Study-995


A group of regional organisations agreed to introduce a common remuneration structure across the group which would, amongst other things, lend itself to less competition between the agencies for scarce resources.Solution

In order to be able to assist organisations to clarify their internal relativities, and then benchmark themselves to their selected market (especially locally), they need to be able to have access to reliable market data. The ability of Strategic Pay to collect, analyse and publish market data in a robust but user-friendly format is crucial to being able to undertake work along the lines of these projects referred to below.

This involved establishing a common band structure for a range of regional organisations based in various Pacific Island states (Samoa, Fiji, the Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Federated States of Micronesia, Vanuatu).Results

Data to inform their band midpoints using the IMF currency of Special Drawing Rights (SDR) was sourced from Fiji, the Australian Public Service, and the New Zealand Public Sector, with additional comparisons from the United Nations International Service Commission and the US and French public sectors. For some of these entities, a new performance development (appraisal) system was also designed and implemented.

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