New Zealand Pandemic Business Response Survey 7 Results are now available!

The Market Information team is pleased to announce the publication of the New Zealand Pandemic Business Response Pulse Survey 7 Results which consider evolving benefits and workplace practices as a result of the pandemic.

The survey was conducted between 19 and 22 May. There were 178 validated responses and of this sample, 81 were from the Private Sector, 46 from the Public Sector, and 51 from the Not for Profit Sector.

“A significant percentage of respondents are allowing more flexibility in where the work is being done (ie WFH) in response to the pandemic. This change in where we work is the big winner to date in the changes to how we conduct our working lives and represents a significant shift in employer/employee opinion in a very short space of time. While other potential changes are being mooted (for example a four day week) they have not gained the traction that this change has in the past two months. Technology, changing attitudes, and pressures such as childcare, have all contributed to this significant movement but the speed at which it has been adopted is dramatic. The office and the water cooler haven’t gone away by any means, but knowledge of Zoom, the provision of some relief from the every-day commute, and sheer necessity have created a significant and likely permanent shift in our working lives”

Some key findings include:

  • 62% of responding organisations have noted they are not making any changes to employee benefits as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic
  • 41% of responding organisations are not offering any different benefits
  • 43% are offering increased flexible working
  • 55% of organisations have provided employees a choice on where they would prefer to work after the lockdown
  • 32% of private sector organisations have said that they require their staff to return to the office

To find out more, download an overview HERE, or contact us.

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