Covid-19: We remain open for business!

We remain open for business!! As we face the new world of being in lock down, how we can lead and support our people and organisations in a challenging time is more important than ever before. Firstly, we hope that you, your families, and your teams are keeping safe and well in this unique time in our history.

We remain open for business to support both essential and non-essential businesses with the different issues they are facing. Our offices across the country are closed and Strategic Pay employees are working from home and all engagements are via technology – we are available over phone, email or video conferencing. So please phone or email your Account Manager or with any questions or requests as normal and we will be happy to help. 

How Strategic Pay can help you:

We understand that current and potential future circumstances can have significant impact on you and your organisation, so here are some ways in which we can assist and provide some certainty:

  • running several short pulse surveys with our clients on how they are coping with the Covid-19 situation – these will be free of charge, display quick results and on key issues facing NZ organisations. Be sure to keep an eye out in your emails to take part and get in touch for further information.
  • providing salary review cover in cases where you are short of staff or unable to do this remotely
  • evaluating your roles if your job evaluation committee is unable to meet virtually
  • modelling remuneration costs due to changes in projected salary budget
  • advising on incentive schemes given changes in your organisation
  • advising key remuneration steps to be taken given changes in your organisation
  • assisting with communications to your employees on changes to pay and reasons
  • offering all our current services remotely or online, including consulting, surveys and training
  • our IT infrastructure allows clients and staff to access everything we need

Whatever the situation, we are here to help you.

We shall keep you informed of any changes to our services on our website under News and our Homepage

Contact us at or regional contact details can be found here.

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