Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics Remuneration Report 2019 is now available!

The Market Information team is pleased to announce the publication of the 2019 Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics Remuneration Report.

This report outlines remuneration data from 6,487 Incumbents from 10 Organisations with benchmark job data for 118 key roles. 

Some insights found in the report include:

  • Remuneration increases projected by ITP organisations for the next twelve month, is at a median of 2% across all staff levels. In 2019, an average increasing movement of 1.5% has been recorded for Base Salary, 1.7% for Fixed Remuneration, and 1.0% for Total Remuneration.
  • 81% of positions surveyed received one or more benefits in addition to salary. 76% receive employer KiwiSaver contributions. 
  • At the senior management level, 12% of employees are paid bonuses, with the median payment being 10% of base salary. Bonus payments to other staff are uncommon (less than 2% of other staff receive bonuses). 
  • The majority of organisations, 70%, use Total Remuneration as a remuneration comparator for senior management staff, and Base Salary for general staff, 60%.
  • The overall breakdown of staff by gender, reveals a good balance, with 44% male employees and 56% female employees

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