Exciting News: Introducing Our Data & Analytics Team!

We’re thrilled to share some exciting news with you that marks a significant milestone in our journey.

Our Market Information Team has evolved into the Data & Analytics Team. This name change reflects our commitment to providing you with the most accurate, insightful and comprehensive remuneration and reward data analysis in New Zealand.

Data & Analytics: New name, same trusted service

While our name has changed, our mission remains steadfast:
Deliver exceptional remuneration and reward information and consultancy services that support your business goals.

The team you’ve known as your go-to experts for market insights will continue to assist you, equipped with the same expertise, dedication, and personalised service you have come to expect from us.

Why we’re excited & what this means for you

This update to our team’s name encapsulates our broader capabilities in data analytics and our continuous effort to enhance the services we offer. It underscores our commitment to not only meet, but exceed our clients’ evolving remuneration and reward needs.

Rest assured, our focus on being your trusted advisors remains unchanged. We look forward to providing strategic insights and solutions to help shape your success with even greater precision and effectiveness under our new name.

Let’s continue the journey together

Your feedback is invaluable to us as we embark on this exciting new journey. Please reach out to your usual contacts within the team for any further information or to discuss how we can support your business needs.

Thank you for your continued trust and partnership. We’re excited about the future and the opportunity to bring you even more value as the Data & Analytics Team.

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