Article: Celebrating this year’s HRINZ awards

A record number of honours were handed out at this year’s annual HRINZ awards, held at SKYCITY in February. Amongst them, HR Person of the Year, Julie Simpson, The Warehouse Group and Emerging HR Person of the Year, Amy Bonham, Auckland Council. Lance Walker, the Chief Executive Officer at insurance company Cigna NZ, won one of the most sought after accolades – Supportive CEO of the year, in association with Strategic Pay.

The award recognised a CEO who has excelled in supporting their organisation’s HR operations, and shows human resources’ effect on a company’s overall success. Criteria included leadership qualities, the candidate’s individual impact on their business, and both their internal and external relationship building.

So, with CEO impact on work culture an important topic, let’s take a look at some of the best ways management can boost performance.

1. Acknowledge your staff’s contributions

Recognising your employees’ contributions to your organisation is a huge part of good management. An essential part of this is providing good feedback when staff make a positive impact, (as well as constructive criticism when their performance needs boosting). Other ways of rewarding your team can include monetary rewards like bonuses and shares in profits. If you’re a smaller business or a not-for-profit, there are plenty of non-monetary rewards that are just as welcomed. An employee of the month scheme, a voucher, or even just a box of chocolates will really make your staff feel appreciated, and means they’ll work harder to win the recognition next time around.

2. Provide support

This can include providing adequate training for staff members and lower management, as well as emotional support when things are going wrong. Allowing flexible working conditions to ensure a healthy work-life-balance is also important, as is help with childcare. This will allow you to boost performance as staff will only have to focus on work when they’re at the office.

3. Respect works both ways

Respect is key for your employees as individuals. They won’t be productive if they think they’re simply part of a machine. This also works the other way around – as a CEO you’re always being watched, so make an effort to participate as much as possible. Attend training sessions and meetings, and check in with your employees to find out how they’re doing. This can then help you provide the support your staff need and work out how to better acknowledge their contributions.

For more information on leadership and performance development, please contact the Strategic Pay team.

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