Case Study: Public Sector Health Organisation

Strategic Pay were proud to work with the Public Sector Health Organisation to support the salary and the review process for 2018 and 2019, and ensure that staff received equitable and justifiable increases. 

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Strategic Pay helped an important client in the public sector carry out their annual salary review in the last two consecutive years (2018 and 2019). These reviews were critical in ensuring their staff received equitable and justifiable increases. There were also important remuneration issues to be addressed as part of the salary reviews. There were pre-identified gender pay gaps, gaps between like-for-like roles as well as experienced employees who had been consistently paid below the market range.


The Project was led by the Organisation’s Human Resources team who partnered with Strategic Pay’s Senior Technical Consultant Mike Boneham, and Associate Consultant Lu Wang.

The entire payroll was made up of hundreds of employees (excluding union members) ranging from lower level support roles to executive leadership roles. Strategic Pay was approached with the aim to manage the salary and the review process.

  • Strategic Pay assisted in identifying outliers, and groups of individuals who needed an immediate remuneration correction relating to pre-identified issues such as pay equity and external relativity.
  • Strategic Pay utilised our salary management software, RemWise’s modelling functionality to automatically assign salary increases based on pre-determined criteria, using the budget given by the organisation. The Reward Matrix Recommendation produced by RemWise as a result, gave the organisation a clear picture on how the budget would be spent across the groups. This involved modelling of costs between different policy options and reward matrix options allowing flexibility between different options while taking account market data and phased increases through different parameters.
  • Strategic Pay consultants played a key role in facilitating the overall process, as far as the data was concerned. This included sending out spreadsheets to Managers which were completely customised to the client. The spreadsheets were generated from RemWise, its semi-automated nature meant it was done with just a few clicks of a button, also eliminating errors.
  • Once the recommendations were confirmed by the Managers and approved by the Executive Leadership, letters had to go out to all the employees communicating their salary review outcomes. There were nine different letters (scenarios), Strategic Pay put all nine letters into one single macro-enabled letter template which automatically generated the correct letter for each employee and sorted those into folders for each manger. The otherwise days of work to generate and sort the letters then became a matter of a few minutes, drastically cutting the timeframe and costs.


The reviews were critical in ensuring their staff received equitable and justifiable increases whilst also taking steps to address the identified remuneration issues. A long and tedious process for the client become much more streamlines and automated with a low risk for error. Crucial to the success of the Project were high levels of stakeholder interest, and engagement with all parts of the organisation, including Human Resources, Executive Leadership, Managers and Employees.

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