Managing Performance at the Top: What Works Well?

Dr Ann Hutchison, Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland, and Strategic Pay are conducting a study on how senior executive performance can best be managed. This research will help business make informed decisions about performance measures, rewards and appraisals at this level. The results will be used to write a journal article, with highlights presented at Strategic Pay events.

We are interviewing numerous CEOS and chairs about what works well when managing top management team. We want to discuss the behaviours of a top management team and how/if CEO’s deliberately manage their senior executives with those behaviours in mind.

We are also asking various senior executives to complete a short survey, asking about their responses to performance management. We want to look at linkages between various factors for example, how do incentives affect senior executives’ choices in terms of the behaviours they display? Or, to what extent do the things included in appraisal affect executives’ behavioural intentions?

In all cases, only common themes will be described in the research findings and no participant or organisation will be identifiable. As a participant organisation, the CEO will benefit by a receiving a report of the results.

We are excited to be taking part in this important research and hope to engage with as many of you along the way.

Are you and your organisation interested in taking part by completing a short online survey? Please get in touch and email for more information and to request a consent form to take part.

Contact Details:

Dr Ann Hutchison
Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland
Ph: 09 923 6792

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