New Zealand Pandemic Business Response Survey 11 Results are now available!

The Market Information team is pleased to share the results of our last New Zealand Pandemic Business Response Pulse Survey 11. We hope that these Pulse Surveys have provided some timely insights into how businesses are coping across New Zealand – we have touched on redundancies, the wage subsidy, salary reviews, benefits and more throughout the series. Our final Survey will revisit some questions and we hope to present a picture of how things have changed.

The survey was conducted between 12-15 October. There were 221 validated responses and of this sample, 102 were from the Private Sector, 51 from the Public Sector, and 68 from the Not for Profit Sector.

Some key findings include:

  • Overall, 83% of responding organisations indicating they believe that going forward their business will stay the same or get better
  • Working from home (87%) and flexibility (74%) are the most common HR policies that have changed due to the pandemic
  • 85% of organisations are feeling positive and believe their organisation has changed for the better
  • Organisations are: More flexible, stronger teams, more resilient and have a clearer set of organisation goals
  • 31% of organisations still have a recruitment freeze in place compared to 59% at the beginning of the pandemic (2 April) and 42% in mid-May (18 May)

Thank you to all those who took the time to participate in these surveys the past few months, providing valuable insight. Over the course of these surveys we collated responses from 734 organisations, across New Zealand, sectors and industries, and fantastic result enabling us to get up to date and relevant perspectives of kiwi businesses and how they handled the pandemic.

To find out more, download an overview HERE.

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