Our Statement on Pay Equity



Pay inequities, including gender pay inequity, can arise as a result of societal, organisational and individual factors. Well-designed employment and reward strategies, policies and education aligned with organisation strategy can help address potential biases that could result in pay inequities. As well as reducing potential bias in people practices, this can enhance overall productivity.

Strategic Pay has the expertise and tools to assist clients audit their practices so that they can understand the extent of any disparity. Our toolkit includes a gender analysis tool, pay equity checklist, our analytical Job Evaluation methodologies and a comprehensive database of nationwide remuneration information, along with extensive experience in developing client specific solutions.

As New Zealand’s trusted advisors in remuneration and performance, we are committed to supporting our clients in ensuring that their reward and related employment practices are future focused to minimise pay inequities and contribute to organisational success.

For further information, please read more on our Pay Equity Capability here.

Cathy Hendry
Managing Director
Strategic Pay Limited

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