Remuneration Survey Report: 2020 Wine Industry Remuneration Report is now published!

The Market Information team is pleased to announce the publication of the 2020 Wine Industry Remuneration Report!

It outlines remuneration data from 2,515 incumbents from 31 organisations with benchmark job data for 53 roles.

The published survey contains comprehensive remuneration information 53 key benchmark roles in the following functional areas:

  • Wine Industry
  • Corporate Services
  • Engineering
  • Hospitality

Some insights found in the report include:

  • 42% of respondents pay a higher duty allowance for staff who take on supervisory responsibilities during vintage season
  • 38% pay preferential rates for additional hours over the vintage season
  • The percentage of female in wine positions is 29% a decrease from 34% in 2019 and 31% in 2018
  • The average tenure for employees in a wine position is 6.9 years
  • 22% of respondents had an increase in redundancy due to the pandemic
  • 76% of participants foresee an impact of the increased minimum wage on their organisation’s culture, salary bill and retention in the coming year

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