Remuneration Survey Report: 2021 March Local Government Remuneration Report is now published!

The Market Information team is pleased to announce the publication of the 2021 March Local Government Remuneration Report.

It outlines remuneration data from 34,511 incumbents from 87 Councils and Council Controlled Organisations with benchmark job data for over 273 roles.

Some insights found in the report include:

  • 68% of council employees are provided with 20 days annual leave with 32% provided with more than 20 days per year
  • The longest tenure amongst council employees is found at the information management and engineering / technical level with 9.4 & 8.5 years respectively
  • 53% of participants reported using Total Remuneration as a remuneration comparator for Senior Management level
  • The average number of years that forward planning is done within Councils is 5 years
  • The most common factors influencing salary increases for general staff are:
  1. Market Remuneration Data: 97%
  2. Performance: 86%
  3. Affordability: 75%

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