Rewarding Performance

Rewarding what matters, with rewards that matter


Ensure your Incentive plan maximises returns, attracts talent and rewards employee high performance. You need to consider what is right for your organisation and how to motivate your employees with both financial and non-financial rewards. Above all, an Incentive plan must fit with your organisations strategy, philosophy on pay and internal systems as well as its culture and values.

Incentive Pay is ‘at-risk variable pay’ designed to align employee efforts and reward achievement of the desired results and is critical in the current economy of low base pay movements. Ensuring you are linking base pay movements to performance outcomes also ensures you are rewarding what matters.

Incentive Pay

Strategic Pay can help review your current Incentive plan or help to design and implement one that is right for your organisation. With a robust framework to ensure your Incentive Plan is ‘fit for purpose’ and aligned with your organisations goal and values, Strategic Pay’s approach can help you differentiate your organisation from your competitors.

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Incentives Sirius Test

Download our free incentives sirius test. This test is designed to get you thinking more strategically about incentives, check whether your incentives policy is doing what you want it to do and if not, easily highlight areas where it may be falling down.

Talk to an expert to find out more

Michelle Read

Michelle Read

Manager Southern Consulting

Michelle is an experienced Reward Specialist and aims to make all things about remuneration and performance development easy for management teams and Boards.
Ben Lee

Ben Lee

Consultant, Christchurch

With 20+ years of experience, Ben has worked closely with clients on end-to-end recruitment, market dynamics, and remuneration package structure & attraction strategies.
Ethan David

Ethan David

Consultant, Wellington

Ethan loves business in general, especially anything technology and strategy related, and works hard to understand the unique context of each organisation he partners with.
Michael Ashe

Michael Ashe

Technical Consultant, Wellington

Michael has extensive experience in remuneration consulting and has worked with many public and private organisations. He’s an expert in job evaluation and analysis of base and variable pay.
Mickey Boneham

Mickey Boneham

Principal Consultant, Auckland

Mickey can assist you with all your remuneration needs, including job evaluation, market benchmarking, remuneration structure, remuneration policy, annual salary reviews, executive remuneration, and more.

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