
Get the right tools for the job


To round out the remuneration policy and processes, it’s important to have the tools to manage your reward requirements and to communicate effectively with staff and managers.

Our unique reward management tools can provide you with the ideal way to manage evaluations, position information as well as your end to end remuneration process and suite of performance and remuneration information.

Rem On-Demand

Access your purchased reports, and quickly find remuneration information with Rem On-Demand® – our intuitive & secure client portal.

All components of pay packages (base salary, benefits and performance pay) are represented, as are a comprehensive range of workplace functions.

To gain access to Rem On-Demand® or for support, please contact us or download our helpful Rem On-Demand User Guide.

Existing users can log-in by clicking the button below.

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Available exclusively within Rem On-Demand®, PayCalculator is designed to help you make informed decisions and streamline your salary review process, saving you both time and money.

At the touch of a button or two, PayCalculator enables you to compare the latest remuneration market values from multiple Strategic Pay survey reports – contact us today to learn more.

DataWise Software

DataWise® is a practical, cost-effective tool for small to medium sized businesses to help manage staff pay levels. Organisations can easily see how their staff are placed against the market and make effective remuneration decisions using our comprehensive market data.

Let us show you how it can benefit your organisation, download our information sheet and/or book your demonstration below.

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RemWise Software

RemWise® is a smart technology tool for businesses that supports all your remuneration processes. Organisations can customise the tool and; 

  • get analysis of remuneration components, e.g. performance, market data,
  • generate remuneration communication such as letters/schedules,
  • make effective remuneration decisions using our comprehensive market data,
  • provide summaries and management data for presentation to management.

Pivot Remuneration

We’ve teamed up with ELMO’s Pivot software to help organisations modernise and future-proof their remuneration and performance by providing strategic local knowledge and expertise, all executed on a secure, best-of-breed cloud-based platform.

Get your remuneration right with the powerful combination of New Zealand’s largest remuneration database, and ELMO’s Pivot remuneration management software.

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