Skill Shortages Across all Sectors

One of the live pulse questions we asked in our recent Remuneration Briefing Webinar was ‘Which job functions are proving difficult to recruit for?‘ 

The results were in keeping with our remuneration surveys, with Engineering/Technical positions causing issues for 52% of the 367 respondents. The next three functions proving difficult to recruit for were ICT roles (16%), Trades and Labouring (12%) and Administration and Support (7%).  

What we found interesting, was the comments that were coming through regarding functions that weren’t included in the pole. Of note were the high number of health workers, including Registered Nurses, Mental Health Professionals, Youth Service Support, Counsellors and Social Workers. Other roles mentioned included Skilled Tourism Operators, Teachers, Lawyers, Auditors and Early Childhood workers.

The results suggest all sectors are now feeling the effects of skill shortages. Many economists are now suggesting that labour shortages could now be our biggest hurdle to economic recovery. Unfortunately, this is likely to extend for some time as closed borders are having a direct impact on labour supply and are expected to remain in place for some time.  

Poll Report
Skill Shortages Across all Sectors 1

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