NZ HR Awards: Winners Announced

NZ HR Awards: Winners Announced

Strategic Pay were proud to sponsor the inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award at the NZ HR Awards hosted by HRINZ in Auckland on 28 February 2019. The Lifetime Achievement Award is the greatest recognition and highest honour that HRINZ can bestow. It acknowledges...
Value Added: Job Evaluation

Value Added: Job Evaluation

This article was published in the March Issue of Employment Today. Job evaluation – what’s it all about and what’s in it for you and your organisation? Christine Whelan and John McGill explain why it’s important to have a structure that...
Pay Equity Submission to Parliament

Pay Equity Submission to Parliament

Gender Pay and Pay Equity continues to be a huge area of focus for us at Strategic Pay. We recently made a submission to parliament where we expressed support in principle for the Equal Pay Amendment Bill. We recognise that this is a complex issue and offered a...
Should Remuneration be based on Performance?

Should Remuneration be based on Performance?

This article was published in the February Issue of Employment Today. Download a PDF version of the article here. Performance-based pay is about rewarding employees with remuneration packages that reflect their successful achievement of the requirements of...

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