Welcome to Incentives Month 2020!

Welcome to Incentives Month 2020!

​​​​​You know us as New Zealand’s largest remuneration database with expert consultants based across the nation. But did you know we also specialise in designing fit-for-purpose incentive/sales commission schemes that align employee and organisation goals alike? This July, we are spotlighting our incentives knowledge in a number of ways. Keep an eye out over LinkedIn, our website and emails on the various ways we can support you with incentives and rewarding performance.  

Some of our initiatives that we will promote in more detail over the next few weeks include:

Articles and Thought Leadership: We’re aware that a lot of companies are reviewing their incentive schemes to ensure these are fit for purpose and provide adequate financial protection for the company should another pandemic or similar economic crisis occur. We routinely publish articles on all aspects of incentive scheme design. Find out more on our blog here.

Incentives Litmus Tool: We are pleased to launch our new incentives litmus test. This complimentary tool is designed to get you thinking more strategically about incentives, check whether it’s doing what you want it to do and if not, easily highlight areas where it may be falling. There are no strings attached – if you’d like to give it a try, fill in your details here and we will send it through to you.

Incentives Q&A Session: We know that incentives are front of mind for lots of organisations and sometimes it helps to have an expert in your back pocket. We are pleased to launch Incentives Online Q and A sessions throughout the year. This is a great opportunity to bounce your questions off us and hear what other companies are grappling with in this space. These are informal complimentary sessions and you can both submit your questions in advance, as well as chat during the session. The first Q and A session is scheduled for 10am 30 July, register today here.

Complimentary 30 Minute Consulting Chat: As part of our spotlight on incentives, we’d be happy to give you 30 minutes of our consulting time for a one-on-one conversation on incentives. We have incentives experts based throughout the country, all of whom have developed a range of incentive schemes across a broad range of businesses, industries and sectors. Contact us at info@strategicpay.co.nz before the 31st July 2020 to schedule a complimentary 30 minute chat on incentives.

We look forward to engaging with you over several ways in the next month on all things Incentives!

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