Roberto Di Fiore

Tech Lead / Senior Full Stack Developer


Roberto Di Fiore Blue Circle

Roberto is a multifaceted technologist at Strategic Pay with a rich history in software development and systems integration dating back to 1997. His expertise spans a broad spectrum of programming languages and technologies, including Java, PHP, JavaScript, ES6, React, Vue, Python, C#, and Unity for game development.

Roberto has made significant contributions to the tech industry, notably developing the Covid Certificate dispatch system at MWNZ, and leading innovative projects at 9Spokes and Fergus, with a focus on data platforms and infrastructure. He is skilled in both frontend and backend development, cloud services (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure), and automation tools (Puppet, Ansible, Docker, Terraform, CDK, CloudFormation).

Always keen to embrace new challenges, Roberto is currently learning to play the harmonica. In his spare time, he enjoys fishing, spending quality time with his dog, and cooking for his family.

Speak to Roberto about…

  • Rem On-Demand
  • SpectREM

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